Students and Graduates resources
How can we help?So, you're interested in Students and Graduates resources, now choose what it is you're looking for by following the links below:
Looking for work
If you are looking for work, there are organisations and resources who can help you, and point you in the right direction to start your search.
Further study
Just because you have graduated doesn't mean you have finished learning. You could specialise in a specific topic from your degree subject, or work on increasing your transferable skills to help you in your career.
Volunteering benefits the organisation and the people they support, but it can have huge benefits for the person volunteering too!.
Work experience
Work Experience can have a positive impact on your employment prospects and opportunities. These organisations can help you to find opportunities and enhance your CV.
CV support and interview skills
To be offered a job in a competitive market, you'll need a CV that stands out and an application that ticks all the employer's boxes. Find out how with these resources and support from local organisations.
Travel options
If you're out of work or due to start a new job, there may be support available to support with travel costs.