School Age (11-18) resources
How can we help?So, you're interested in School Age (11-18) resources, now choose what it is you're looking for by following the links below:
Choosing your options
Find out what options are available to you while you're still at school, and the routes you can choose to pursue in the future.
Work-related qualifications
If you already have an idea of what you want to do, there may be an option to start a work-related qualification in your chosen field.
Jobs and careers
Explore your future options and what you will need to do to realise your career ambitions .
Health, well-being and work
Find information on improving and managing physical and mental health whether you’re in work or looking to get into employment, and ways to get more active.
Open to people of all ages, apprenticeships offer a great way to develop new skills while being paid - ideal for a first job or for somebody considering a change in career.
Further and higher education
Find out how to get started if you want to continue into Further or Higher Education, as well as opportunities available to you locally.
Travel options
Find out about your options for getting about across the West Midlands, including support to travel to a new apprenticeship.
I need more support
If you haven't been able to find the support you need on these pages, click on 'Find out more' for a list of support services who can help you.