What we do:
Juniper Training supports young people to move forwards and progress into apprenticeships, employment or further learning.
What we offer
Vocational Pathways – we offer courses in Retail, Childcare, Business Administration, Customer Service and Roofing / Cladding.
These pathways are ideal if you are 16-18 years old, looking to pursue a career in one of these sectors and require the knowledge, qualifications and experience in order to progress onto an apprenticeship, into employment or further education. Find out more about our Vocational Pathways here.
Traineeships – if you want to progress successfully to an apprenticeships, employment or further learning, a traineeship will be perfect for you. They provide work experience in a real workplace to help you develop the skills, knowledge, confidence, attitudes and behaviours employers are looking for in their workforce.
Juniper offers Traineeships to 16-24 year olds which last for up to 6 months. Find out more about our Traineeships here.
Apprenticeships – our apprenticeships are for people who have a passion for learning and are determined to succeed.
Our programmes are designed for those wanting to gain valuable on the job experience whilst gaining the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be successful and competent in your chosen career area. It’s a fantastic way to kick start your career – available to individuals from the age of 16 and over. Find out more about our Apprenticeships here.
Am I eligible?
Click on the links above to find out the specific eligibility requirements for our study programmes, vocational training, traineeships and apprenticeships.
Where we are based:
Juniper Training
St John’s House
St John’s Square
Contact us
Telephone: 01902 570111
Email: louise.downey@junipertraining.co.uk and dianne.rudge@junipertraining.co.uk
Richard joined the Mint programme to improve his literacy and numeracy. Through hard work, perseverance and self-belief he completed his work to a very high standard as well as supporting his fellow students. Well done Richard, we are very proud of your achievements so far and you should be too.
Nikita joined the Mint programme and showed a high level of dedication to the course. Nikita had good attendance, timekeeping and punctuality. She was always aiming to improve herself and often carried out extra work in her own time to ensure she achieved her qualifications. Nikita was polite and respectful to everyone. Well done Nikita
Lina joined our Mint programme and wanted support with her career and to improve on her grades in English. Through hard work, perseverance and self-belief Lina completed her work to a very high standard in her BTECH, achieved a Level 2 English Functional Skill as well as attending 100% of the time. Lina has now started a retail apprenticeship.