Support offered:
Expert Advice and guidance on careers, local opportunities and courses as well as practical support to apply for jobs, training or apprenticeships.
What we do:
Connexions Wolverhampton work with young people and with schools across the city to ensure that all local young people have access to the opportunities available and can acquire all the knowledge and skills needed to begin the career of their choice.
What we offer
- One-to-one advice and guidance
- Support identifying opportunities
- Support completing applications and CV’s
- Support in the classroom in partnership with local schools
- Events for young people and for local parents to find out more about their child’s opportunities and provide information on qualifications available.
Am I eligible:
To be eligible for support from Connexions you will need to be:
- Aged between 16-19 and looking for Education, Employment and Training
- Aged between 13-25 if you have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- A resident of Wolverhampton
Funding possibilities:
Connexions Wolverhampton can help you to identify potential funding opportunities you may be eligible for to start the course of your choice; we can also explain benefits and entitlements for young people who face financial barriers to returning to school or college.
Contact us
Telephone: 01902 554499
Email: Connexions@wolverhampton.gov.uk
Find out more:
To find out more about how Connexions can help you or a young person in your family, contact us using the information above.
You can also access the guide for parents and carers of young people with SEND in Wolverhampton here.
Read Guide